Playable Characters
- Reimu
Yay, homing shot! Though, with Reimu by herself, the shots are pretty weak. But they're homing, which nullifies the negativeness of that. Or it doesn't, who knows. In any case, focused makes no difference except showing hit-box of special smallness, and slowed down movement, for weaving through danmaku patterns, awesome grazing, and/or whatnot else. Speed is decent, too. - Yukari
Yay, attacking Ran! And the shot itself, though not homing in itself, really is quite powerful. Not even quite, really, it just is powerful. The shift, it does nothing, apart from what's already mentioned in Reimu paragraph. Yukari's speed is a bit slow, and awesomely slow on focused, but not too slow, so good enough. - Marisa
Yay, rapid attack! Marisa's shot really murders enemy familiars, and is fairly powerful. Shift makes movement slower and hit box turns visible as usual, and the fact that it makes movement slower is really an advantage in this case, as Marisa is very fast (though not the fastest) when in un-focused movement. The bombs are epically powerful, too. - Alice
Yay, lasers! I don't really like her shot, the laser covers whole vertical area from where she's positioned, though it deals low damage, but constant. I'd not use her as character so much in solo. She's fairly fast, and slows down and reveals hit-box on shift-pressing, woo. Can't say anything on bombing as I think I have really yet to use Alice's bombs, then again due to not having used her much thus far. - Sakuya
Yay, knives! Her shot covers whole screen in a fan-shape extending right ahead of where Sakuya is positioned, but deals horribly low damage, but then again I guess is quite effective on enemy familiars. *insert epic tale of focused movement passed down from generation to generation here*. Get it? - Remilia
Yay, laser-bats PEW PEW! Shot is powerful, her familiars cover a fair width of the screen, and guess-what, focused movement freezes her familiars in place, which can be quite neat to be able to have in some situations for constant damage-inducing despite moving. Remilia is also very, very fast, or something, so careful movement should be done in focused mode. - Youmu
Yay, ghost! Shot is powerful, especially when aligned with familiar's shot, which can be fairly hard to do at times unless in focused movement, which freezes its shooting direction, and the obvious. Her bombing makes her unable to attack for a while after bombing, but the bombs themselves are powerful enough to take quite a chunk of most bosses' life, and eradicate all normal enemies on screen, normally. Speed is a bit faster than "normal". - Yuyuko
Yay, wide shot! Shot is okay, more concentrated right in front of Yuyuko, and covers all of the upper part of the screen, if positioned at the bottom in the center. Focused movement makes the obvious events of previous obvious non-special and still obvious effects come into effect. The bombs are okay, and her speed is fair enough.