Saturday, August 23, 2008

Subterranean Animism #1

What a generic post title, hmm? My creativity isn't exactly known for being awesome.
Anyways, Touhou Project 11, Subterranean Animism. So, my opinion and such so far...

Playable Characters and Types
  • Reimu A
    I've not used Reimu A so much yet... Teleporting from one side of the screen to the other has not shown to be of any good use to myself yet, except maybe letting me be able to escape a few difficult situations. But not good enough to make me use it often, as I mostly accidentally get myself hit immediately after teleporting.
    The shot is nice and quite powerful, and covers a fairly wide area when not focusing, in my view.
  • Reimu B
    Reimu B is the character + type I use the most. Auto-collecting point items and power-ups when not using any keys is awesome, in my opinion, and quite useful!
    The shot is okay, the homing bullets pack a punch, and ensures that you'll inflict decent damage on, for example, bosses, even when not directly near the boss, horizontally. It won't hit if you're too far away from the boss or if the boss is behind you, though, oh well.
  • Reimu C
    Reimu C, I've used horribly rarely, really. Moving fast can be nice, but having to not using any key other than arrow keys to make use of it makes it slightly less handy. At least for me. Zooming around on the screen, not shooting, is quite risky... or so've my experience with such been.
    The shot is... meh, okay, can hit enemies who're below you on the screen, which can be quite handy in some situations. Good-good.

  • Marisa A
    Can't say I've used Marisa A so much, though, if only Marisa was playable, I'd probably've used Marisa A the most. Having maximum power as 8.00... Yay, more bombing allowed! If one is good at strategical and timely bombings, it'll surely increase one's chance of getting through the game somewhat. The bomb of this type is quite powerful too, though it only hits in a straight vertical line from where you bomb from.
    The shot is nice, though, un-focused being the lasers crossing, concentrating more damage on the enemies right in front of you, and the focused being the lasers spreading, covering more of the screen, but inflicting less damage, I'd prefer having it the other way around, especially during boss phases.
  • Marisa B
    Marisa B is fine too, I could manage only having this mode playable, I suppose. The whole changing attacks thing is neat, and must be quite handy for strategical people. ...who I can't really claim to be a member of, thus I mostly just stick to the red formation. I like attacks which hits the heaviest right in front of yourself, not bothering much with the sides and behind. Or so.
    So yes, the whole shooting thing is absolutely awesome.
  • Marisa C
    I'd say I like Marisa C the least, really, but it's... manageable. Bombing, setting up a barrier for a limited period of time, restoring half of the 1.00 of power used if not hit whilst having barrier up, is quite nice for people who bomb when they don't really need to, by accident and such, but I mostly bomb when I'm certain I'll be hit, making that effect's advantage void for myself, but oh well.
    The shot, missiles, is... powerful, I suppose? But it damages such a small area, vertically. Not really the most practical shot, for myself.
All of the music I've heard so far in this game, which is all except extra stage and extra boss themes, I've found to be very nice and catchy. I especially like stage 3 boss, Yuugi Hoshiguma's theme (華のさかづき大江山 - A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe), and stage 4 boss, Satori Komeiji's theme (少女さとり ~ 3rd eye - Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye), former due to its livelyness, and the latter due to its plain awesome. My opinion only, of course.

I suppose I could type more, but that's all for now. More about my opinions and possibly something about my current progress in Subterranean Animism or some other game (or alternatively something completely different) coming sooner or later! Perhaps.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Premiere Post

Hi, anyone or nobody, welcome to my blog, which may or may not eventually be filled with posts regarding random Touhou Project related stuff I wish to post about. That is, anything ranging from my current process in random Touhou games, achievements in them, random findings of Touhou-stuff on the internet deemed awesome by myself, etcetera. So yes, 'till next time, or never!